Kanta's Blog🇩🇪🇯🇵

2024 Spring Updates on my Learning (non-Work related)

Learning is the primary focus of my life, but it's easy to forget what I learned. Here're some courses that I have worked on during this spring. (Btw, I'm using my germany blog but I'm not in Germany anymore. I need to change this later.)

Last update: 1 May 2024


  • May 2024: "AI For Everyone," a Coursera Course offered by DeepLearning.AI (Certificate)
    • A short course with business-oriented tips to transform an org to an org that's good at utilizing AI/ML technologies.
    • Not many technical aspects from the course.
    • Useful to learn how to communicate with the leadership and to get momentum with minimum ML projects.
    • Useful idea: technical duediligence and business duediligence for a project.
  • May 2024: 1 Epoch for Machine Learning Clash Course
    • Reading thru TensorFlow notebooks for exercises was interesting.
    • Those notebook exercises were not difficult, just plugging in some lines of code.
    • Visualization embedded throughout the course helped understanding the effects of regulalization, hyperparams, epochs, batch sizes, feature-cross, etc.
  • Feb 2024: Goethe-Zertifikat A1: Start Deutsch 1, with 76/100 befriedigend
    • 76% isn't a great score but passed :)
    • I can now say with confidence, "Ich spreche etwas Deutsch."—meaning I speak a little bit of German.

List of growth directions

  • Bayesian Statistics
    • I don't need to be an expert of this, but I saw many research mentiones Bayesian paradigm to deal with uncertainty of the world.
    • Working on a course, "Bayesian Statistics: From Concept to Data Analysis" from UC Santa Cruz.
    • Honestly, I forgot about even frequentist paradigm and luckily the course covers it.
    • Statistics, or mathematics in general, I am not quite good at it although I had courses in my university time.
    • To me, the course is difficult, and let's stick and hopefully I can become a bit more of a Bayesien.
  • There are others and I'll add them later

Challenges I'm facing

  • Working full-time, I have very limited time, before work hours, after work hours, or weekends.
  • I don't have energy after work, affecting learning which involves high cognitive load.
  • Motivation-level fluctuation. I have long-term goals (which I don't write here) and sometimes I forgot to realize connections between what I'm trying to learn and my goals
    • I may want to write down my progress and paths in this blog.

I'll update this post time to time to clarify where I'm going. See you soon!
