Kanta Yamaoka
Personal Update: 2023 April-@Google Japan, working on coolest infrastructure.
"Getting out of my comfort zone"; 1.5 years of working experience in
an ML project with European colleagues @Rokken
shaped my unique technical background.
In my final undergraduate year, I stayed at German Research Center
for Artificial Intelligence, @DFKI, one of the biggest world's non-profit research AI institutions
from 2022 March to 2023 March.
Today's technology will be outdated tomorrow, but my learning
ability keeps me adaptive to the rapidly changing world, as my professional working multilingualism, international
experiences, and versatile computer science skills indicate. Hard
work does not pay off from my bitter personal failure, so I always
try to acquire skills in a deliberate manner: planning and practice.
Currently I don’t do research activities in my profession. I'm reading papers in my personal hours (see my paper reading logs.), and I aim to produce some research output as an “indie” researcher. I'm interested in the Bayesian paradigm in ML capable of capturing the real-world with uncertainty and noisy data in limited quantities, especially in the medical domain. I’m a newbie to this realm and I’m reading about Bayesian optimization, Gaussian process, function networks, causal BO, and Multi-armed Bandit settings.
Call to action!:
I'm open to opportunities around the globe. Reach out via my
LinkedIn . Let's have some coffee together in Tokyo or remotely from anywhere! I'm open to ML research opportunities, e.g., residency program, full-time research role, or a paid/stipend PhD program where I can dive into with only bachelor degree qualifications. The location could be around the globe (see my blog domain, earth, haha), preferably in Germany or Japan.
Who am I?–From Japan to Germany.
I was born and raised in Japan. From March 2022 to March 2023, I
lived in Germany, thanks to the following financial support:
the JASSO study-abroad scholarship and the Research Assistant
position at
German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI).
Throughout my stay, I've worked on my bachelor's thesis at
Osaka Prefecture University
at DFKI/
TU Kaiserslautern
in Germany, under the joint supervision of
Prof. Dr. Prof. h.c. Andreas Dengel (Executive Director of
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Shoya Ishimaru, and
Prof. Koichi Kise (Director of DFKI Lab Japan).
Publications—Int'l Conferences
[1] Kanta Yamaoka, Ko Watanabe, Koichi Kise, Andreas Dengel,
and Shoya Ishimaru. 2023.
Experience is the Best Teacher: Personalized Vocabulary Building
Within the Context of Instagram Posts and Sentences from GPT-3.
In Proceedings of the 2022 ACM International Joint Conference on
Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (
UbiComp'22 Adjunct).
Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 313–316.
[2] Kanta Yamaoka, Andrew Vargo, Motoi Iwata, and Koichi Kise.
Towards Guided-Breath as an Intervention Within Computer-Assisted
Learning. In Proceedings of the 2022 ACM International Joint Conference on
Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (
Ubicomp'22 Adjunct).
Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 136–137.
Publications—Domestic Conferences
[3] 野々宮 悠太, 柳 健大, 栗生 薫, 内田 時央, 岩下 雄一郎, 藤原 史規,
山岡 幹太, 石丸 翔也, 仲子 聡一郎, 岡村 浩史, 岩村 雅一, 黄瀬
浩一, 新谷歩.
第43回医療情報学連合大会 (第24回日本医療情報学会学術大会), 2023, to
[En] Yuta Nonomiya, Kenta Yanagi, Kaori Kuriu, Tokio
Uchida, Yuichiro Iwashita, Fuminori Fujiwara,
Kanta Yamaoka,
Shoya Ishimaru, Soichiro Nakako, Hiroshi Okamura, Masakazu Iwamura,
Koichi Kise,
Ayumi Shintani.
Recurrent neural network-based dynamic prediction model for
short-term mortality in intensive care units: retrospective cohort
study using the MIMIC-IV database.
In Proceedings of the 43rd Joint Conference on Medical Informatics
(the 24th conference of the Japan Association for Medical
Informatics), JAMI, 2023 to appear.
[4] ImageToVocab: Finding New Words to Learn From One’s Personal
Pictures and Their Generated Sentences.
This thesis, reviewed by Professor Koichi Kise in March 2023, is an
extension of [1] and a summary of my research project at DFKI/RPTU
under the supervision of Junior Professor Shoya Ishimaru. Some of the
research has not been published, as I have already graduated from my
university, but I hope to publish or make it publically available it
in the future.
For example, if I import an image that I took in Rotterdam,
Netherlands, from my own Instagram, ImageToVocab generates a
text and shows it alongside the image. Each word on the screen is
clickable, and learners can click on unknown words to find their
definitions. This way, learners can find vocabulary words that are
strongly tied to their own life experiences.
The latest version of the
ImageToVocab is hosted and runs in a
multicloud environment, leading to easily manageable and scalable user
studies. The application is built on top of modern cloud
infrastructure: Google Cloud (Cloud Storage, Firestore, Auth, Cloud
Run, Cloud Function), OpenAI completion API (GPT, text-davinci-003),
Instagram Basic Display API, Google Cloud's AI/ML services (Cloud
Vision API, Natural Language API, Cloud Translate API—Today's
Vertex AI), Python/TypeScript/JS backend (hybrid of Cloud Functions tied to
Firestore events, FastAPI Python backend inside a Docker container
hosted on Cloud Run), NextJS hosted on Vercel, New Relic for logging,
and so on. In the future, I'd like to share how we built the system,
if I have some energy left, haha.
Coffee with me?
Reach out via LinkedIn :) I'm open to ML research opportunities, e.g., residency program, full-time research role, or a paid/stipend PhD program where I can dive into with only bachelor degree qualifications. The location could be around the globe (see my blog domain, earth, haha), preferably in Germany or Japan.
Research Experience
2019 April - 2023 March. Completed my BEng at
Osaka Prefecture University.
Osaka Metropolitan University) Advisor:
Prof. Koichi Kise. -
Thesis: "ImageToVocab: Finding New Words to Learn From One’s
Personal Pictures and Their Generated Sentences."
I engaged research activities
Intelligent Media Processing Group, which opened up an opportunity to study abroad at DFKI/RPTU
with JASSO study-abroad scholarship.
2021 March-2023 March: Research Assistant @
DFKI, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, supervisors:
Prof. Andreas Dengel, and
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Shoya Ishimaru
2021 March-2023 March: Exchange Student @
TU Kaiserslautern, PsyberLab Media Coverage
My report for the research exchange program (Japanese) at DFKI/RPTU is
here. You can also find me in
an article about a project between my
university and DFKI. It was a side project, but I helped some Japanese
students (some of whom are medical students) stay at DFKI and have
discussions with researchers.
Personal Posts
ボルダリングが趣味の研究者に学ぶ、運動の楽しさ (17th May, 2022)
見知らぬ国への留学と、いろいろな人の善意。(5th April, 2022)
音声認識で自分の考えを書き起こし、気軽に日々を振り返る (10th May, 2022)
ドイツの冬がやってきた (24th Nov., 2022)
ジレンマ:人生の選択肢は無限大、けれど人生は一度きり (29th May, 2022)
ドイツのレストランの水は日本と違う2つのこと (30th March, 2022)
ドイツの日本庭園で茶道をドイツ語で学んできた-前編 (11st April, 2022)
Image classification tasks—SOTA overview (26th August)
More rejections as a feedback mechanism! (31st July, 2024)
Cool researchers with non-traditional backgrounds
来年'23年からはドイツ→東京に移動します Hello Google! (10th July, 2022)
ドイツ語は読めぬままドイツ語だらけのサウナに入った (27th March, 2022)
ドイツ人の友達たちと本格的なピザを作った (5th Dec., 2022)
人を巻き込み、インパクトのあることをできるようになるには?(4th Nov. 2023)
7月の近況報告-日常の楽しいことに焦点を当ててみる (18th July, 2022)
気分が優れない日もあるけれど、それも含めて留学の日常 (10th June, 2022)
南インドCochin、友人の結婚式への旅—2日目 (14 Dec 2024)
インド旅行のためのリサーチと準備 2024
1ヶ月経過。自分の人生という長期プロジェクトについて。(29th April, 2022)
南インドCochin、友人の結婚式への旅—3日目 (15 Dec 2024)
南インドCochin、友人の結婚式への旅—4日目 (16 Dec 2024)
南インドCochin、友人の結婚式への旅—1日目 (13 Dec 2024)
Guten tag, I am leaving Japan for Germany (16th March, 2022)
自分に正直であること (25th Sept, 2024)
ドイツの暮らしをお届けするブログを作りました (16th March, 2022)
渡航-関空からアブダビまでの日記 (25th March, 2022)
研究を始めた週の1日(後編)-コーヒーマシンがもたらす友情 (7th April, 2022)
研究を始めた週の1日(前編)-家で過ごす午前 (7th April, 2022)
ドイツの交換留学の出発前のお財布事情 (17th March, 2022)
留学の初めの3ヶ月間の気分の浮き沈みをグラフにしてみた (1st July, 2022)
キャリアの選択の悩みと、最近読んだCal Newportの本 (20th October, 2022)
N26の銀行口座をオンラインで開設した (18th March, 2022)
Email Cleanup Apps Script Job (Gmail + Apps Script)
訪れた国(トランジットは含まない)- 2024年時点
How large can a cloud instance scale-up its interconnected accelerators?
自分で作ったブログ実装についてのメモ (1st April, 2022)
2024 Paper Reading Logs
Bayesian Paradigmの勉強で印象に残ったことのメモ
Rainy day gets me down---chiken or egg situation (March 18, 2022)
2024 Spring Updates on my Learning (non-Work related)